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ECON 101 - Introduction To Economics I

Çoğu Bilkentlinin ekonomi ile ilk teması budur. Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiği Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiş yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.  



Ders Tanıtımı:


Introduces microeconomic concepts and analysis, supply and demand analysis, theories of the firm and of individual behavior, competition and monopoly, welfare economics. Application to problems of current economic. 


Haftalık Konular: 


  1. Introduction. Trade-Offs, Comparative Advantage, and the Market System.

  2. Where prices come from: The interaction of demand and supply

  3. Elasticity

  4. Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting and Taxes. Quantitative Demand and Supply Analysis

  5. Externalities, Environmental Policy and Public goods

  6. Consumer Choice and Behavioral Economics

  7. Using Indifference Curves and Budget Lines to Understand Consumer Behaviour

  8. 1st Midterm

  9. Technology, Production and Costs

  10. Firms in a Perfectly Competitive Market

  11. Monopoly

  12. Midterm, Monopolistic Competition. Oligopoly.

  13. The markets for labor and other factors of production

  14. Review




ECON 102 - Introduction To Economics II

Makroekonomiye giriş dersi olan Econ 102 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiği Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiş yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.  



Ders Tanıtımı:


An overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed as well as international economic issues. Introduces basic models of macroeconomics and illustrates principles with the experience of Turkish and foreign economies. 


Haftalık Konular: 


  1. Introduction and Ch.19: GDP: Measuring Total Production and Income

  2. Ch.20: Unemployment and Inflation

  3. Ch.21: Economic Growth, the Financial System, and Business Cycles

  4. Ch.22: Long-Run Economic Growth: Sources and Policies

  5. Ch. 23: Output and Expenditure in the Short Run

  6. Ch.24: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply Analysis

  7. Ch.25: Money, Banks, and the Role of Central Banks

  8. Ch. 26: Monetary Policy

  9. Ch.27: Fiscal Policy

  10. Ch.28: Inflation, Unemployment, and Central Bank Policy

  11. Semester Break: No Classes

  12. Ch.29: Macroeconomics in an Open Economy

  13. Ch.30: The International Financial System

  14. Review

Bilkent Özel Dersler

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