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ECON 207 - Economics Theory for Engineers

Mikro ve Makroekonominin advanced dersi olan Econ 207 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiği Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiş yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.  



Ders Tanıtımı:

This course is designed to introduce Engineering students to the fundamentals of economic analysis. It provides an introduction to micro and macroeconomic principles and concepts. The course also introduces the students to the cove topics of intermediate level of microeconomic analysis: analysis of the consumer, the firm, and the market.


Haftalık Konular: 

  1. Chp3: Preferences and Utility

  2. Chp4: Utility Maximization and Choice

  3. Chp5: Income and Substitution Effects

  4. Chp9: Production Functions

  5. Chp10: Cost Functions

  6. Chp11: Profit Maximization

  7. No class on Wednesday (March 18)! Friday: Chp12: The Partial Equilibrium Competitive Model

  8. Wednesday: Continue with Chp12: The Partial Equilibrium Competitive Model Friday: Exam Review

  9. (tentative date: 1 April 2015)Wednesday: Midterm Exam Friday: Chp7: Uncertainty

  10. Wednesday: Continue with Chp7: Uncertainty Friday: Chp8: Game Theory

  11. Wednesday: Continue with Chp8: Game Theory Friday: Chp14: Monopoly

  12. Wednesday: Continue with Chp14: Monopoly Friday: Chp15: Imperfect Competition

  13. Wednesday: Continue with Chp15: Imperfect Competition No class on Friday (May 1)!

  14. Chp19: Measuring Total Production and Income* Chp20: Unemployment and Inflation* *Hubbard and O'Brienth

Bilkent Özel Dersler

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