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ECON 458 - Labor Market Economics

Bilkent Özel Dersler

ECON 458 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiği Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiş yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.  



Ders Tanıtımı:

The economics of the determination of earnings and the allocation of labor. The theory of labor supply and labor demand will be developed, and then applied to questions of income distribution, unions, government intervention in the labor market, and discrimination. If time allows, the relation between unemployment and inflation will be discussed.


Haftalık Konular: 

  1. Labor Market -Introduction (Chapter 1) -Overview of the Labor Market (Chapter 2)

  2. Labor Demand -The Demand for Labor (Chapter 3) -Labor Demand Elasticity (Chapter 4) -Frictions in the Labor Market (Chapter 5)

  3. Labor Demand -The Demand for Labor (Chapter 3) -Labor Demand Elasticity (Chapter 4) -Frictions in the Labor Market (Chapter 5)

  4. Labor Supply -Supply of Labor to the Economy: The Decision to Work (Chapter 6) -Labor Supply: Household Production, the Family, and the Life Cycle (Chapter 7)

  5. Labor Supply -Supply of Labor to the Economy: The Decision to Work (Chapter 6) -Labor Supply: Household Production, the Family, and the Life Cycle (Chapter 7)

  6. Midterm Exam I (10 March 2015)

  7. Compensation -Compensation and Wage Differentials (Chapter 8)

  8. Human Capital -Investment in Human Capital: Education and Training (Chapter 9)

  9. Labor Mobility -Worker Mobility: Migration, Immigration, and Turnover (Chapter 10)

  10. Pay and Productivity -Pay and Productivity: Wage Determination within the Firm (Chapter 11)

  11. Midterm Exam II (14 April 2015)

  12. Discrimination -Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Labor Market (Chapter 12)

  13. Unemployment (Chapter 14)

  14. Inequality and Earnings (Chapter 15)

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