0(542) 631 7789 ekonozelders@gmail.com
MAN 416 - Financial Statement Analysis
Bilkent Özel Dersler
MAN 416 dersinde Hocanın derste ödev olarak verdiÄŸi Study Sheetler üzerinden soruları çözüyor; gerekirse geçmiÅŸ yıl sınavlarının üzerinden geçiyoruz.
Ders Tanıtımı:
This course aims to develop an ability to analyze financial information as an aid to financial decision making. The emphasis will be on the usefulness of information for various groups, such as investor's of the firm, security analysts and creditors. Basic financial statement analysis tools, such as ratio analysis, cross-sectional and time-series analysis, statistical forecasting models will be covered. Part of this course will be devoted to the research and empirical evidence on the impact of financial statement information on asset pricing, efficiency of the capital markets, debt ratings and corporate restructuring.
Haftalık Konular:
Overview of Financial Statements and Analysis
The Balance Sheet-assets
The Balance Sheet-assets
The Balance Sheet-liabilities and shareholders\' equity
Income statement and statement of shareholders\' equity
Statement of cash flows
A Guide to Earnings and Financial Reporting Quality
The Analysis of Financial Statements
Ratio Analysis
Accounting for Mergers and Acquisitions
Company Valuation
Company Valuation
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